Friday, June 17, 2011

Freddy Needle Felted Dragonfly Lovin' MOUSE! By Barby Anderson (SOLD)

Putt putt....Oh looky, stop your engine from purring.... the dragonflies are back!
Oh how I wish I could be a dragonfly....
With glistening wings of pink, blue and gold....
When one lands on you it's good luck...
So I've been told....
They glide over water with the greatest of ease....
Going about their business just as they please!
Oh yes, they truly are gems of the sky.....
I surely wish I could be a dragonfly!

Lisa of Mamasgourds made the kitty mobile and Liz Stevens made the house.


  1. Oh my..!!! Just found Your blog..

    Wow!!! AWESOME!! What cuties... I'm in love =0}

    So adorable little creations You have here... Amazing.

  2. You are so blessed! What a gift you have. Thank you for sharing it.

  3. Oh goodness, thank you so much! =)
