Monday, March 19, 2012

"Gunther" 3-1/2" Needle Felted Bird Watcher Kitty Cat By Barby Anderson (SOLD)

(I had to change my black backdrop on my blog as it gave me eye strain. If you click on the images they will have a black backdrop for better viewing.)

Tweet tweet..... here birdy birdy....
I have some delicious seed for you....
Gunther, what are you doing? You have that dubious look in your eyes?
Oh heck, I'm just admiring this beautiful sunflower....
Gunther, I don't think it is the sunflower you are eye-balling....
Who me?
Gunther you are trying to entice the birdy to fly down to your bird seed bag....
Oh heavens no, I just love this birdy!
Yes I know Gunther, that is the problem!
Hrumph! I'm just not feelin' the love here....


  1. Aww, he is adorable! I hope he just wants to be friends with the poor birdie...

  2. Oh I love him. Oh dear. So cute


  3. Thank you ....I don't know Sharon, he looks rather rascally. But the bird is much wiser than he!

    Thank you Tracey!

  4. What a little stunner this pair are!!Soooo CUTE!!!

  5. He is so wonderful! The perfect friend for the mice. I love him.

  6. Barby, I have been so busy, but I come and check out your needle felties all the time and I have just fallen in love with Gunther. To sweet. Pam

  7. Thank you Pam! Great to hear from you again. :)
