Sunday, July 24, 2011

Arielle 3-1/2" Ocean Lovin' Mouse by Barby Anderson (SOLD) Link:

I know, I know, you don't want me to go see the ocean....
But I promise I will not get hurt!
Boy you owls are very protective of me and I thank you.... but I have a dream to see the big blue ocean.....
And you can see I have my trusty life preserver around me....
I must go.....
Ok I'll take Bingo with me but he can only take me part way ......
Bingo has been to the ocean and he can help me....
Let's go.... I can smell the ocean air now.....
Look who I found after Bingo left, a sweet little Saw Whet owl. He said he has flown over the ocean many times....
Yep I have my life preserver and am ready to jump in the ocean.....
I'm here, finally here! And this crow lives near the ocean....
I may be just a little mouse but I can swim!
And my dream is about to come true....
Good-bye.... and hello my great big blue ocean! SPLASH! Weeeeeee this is fun!

Adorable Saw Whet Owl by Helen Priem!

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