Monday, May 21, 2012

Peanut 3" Needle Felted Pawdling Mouse By Barby Anderson (SOLD)

The darling baby Barn Owl was made by Helen Priem.


  1. I loooove that owl. It looks good with the tiny mouse. Although I'm sure in real life there would be no mouse in very quick time.

  2. wow........wonderful!!

    many hugs from switzerland karin

  3. I love to come and look at your blog the needlefelting is just so exquisite the owls are wonderful and the little mice adorable!
    I have a give away on my blog you are welcome to come over if you get a minute.

  4. Barby, I just can't get over the adorableness ( is that a word?) of your little faces. I just wanna pinch their little cheeks, but my fingers are too big! I am on the lookout for the one that touches me most.

  5. Thank you Jackie and Jeri! So happy you like my wee critters and Helen's owl!

    Jackie how kind of you to offer a giveaway on your blog for one of your lovely necklaces. I love looking at the creative jewelry that people make, however I rarely wear jewelry. I will give up my chance to someone else who wears jewelry!

    Jeri, your garden is just incredible, oh so enchanting! I felt as though I traveled into another world....peace, quiet, so serene!

    Happy day you two!


  6. Who makes the owls and can they make me one please
