Monday, June 11, 2012

The "Forget-Me-Not Fairy" 3-3/4" Mouse by Barby Anderson (SOLD)

The darling wool owl was made by Helen Priem!

 The wooden owl was made by Porkchopshow on Etsy.


  1. Another sweet little mouse. Her little outfit is adorable. How many hours does it take to make one of these start to finish? They are surely labor intensive but so precious.

  2. Hello Mary!

    Thank you for liking my wee fairy!

    Because they are so small, only a couple inches for clothing, it does not take long to embroider the clothing as you only have so much canvas space! Now, it can be a strain on the eyes. Many times I make several outfits and then heads, or bodies so it is hard to say how many hours exactly. For beginners it would be a week-end project. I work all day, and many times at night also as this is my full time job. I have a fun job! :)

  3. You are co lucky because it is your job))) Great job

  4. Oh yes, I do think you have a fun job. But as a full time job, I am sure it has times of pressure, but such a sweet outcome for each finished wee little creation. I enjoy embroidery and love seeing your work on the outfits and also Liz' embroidery on her sweet little houses. I am so glad I found your Flickr pictures and your blog; I get to meet all the little fairies. Hope you have a wonderful day!

  5. Thank you! I am lucky to have such a fun job.

    There is only pressure when I have too many sales orders to fill in a day, and that can be a strain, however even with that I am so grateful to do what I love! Because I do not take special orders anymore there is no pressure in creating, I just list them on ebay auctions when they are done. I am never under pressure while creating a mouse or bunny, that part just flows and they seem to come alive in my hands with no effort at all. What can be tiring is packing up so many kits for my CD classes and my husband helps me on week-ends with that. That part is not fun, however again I am very thankful for every part of this job! Who would have thought I could make a living at this?
