Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Treena 4" Needle Felted Prima Ballerina Mouse By Barby Anderson (SOLD)

Helen Priem made the darling fox!


  1. I love your little ballerina. She is as cute as.....

  2. Barby, I just scrolled down to delight in all your latest creations. It is amazing how prolific you are despite the teeny, tiny details on every adorable creature. I am happy that the owls take little wee buns neath their wings. We must explain that to the owls in my neighborhood, they aren't quite so nurturing.

  3. Thank you Kay and Jeri!

    Jeri, oh boy I know just what stealth predators owls are, however in the forest of "Rodanta" all the owls love the mice and bunnies. I live with rose colored glasses on at all times! :)
